Criminal Defense

DUI classes in Fresno, California

If you have been charged with a DUI in Fresno, CA, you may be required to attend DUI classes as part of your sentence. These classes are designed to educate individuals about the dangers of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and provide them with the tools they need to avoid future DUI incidents. In this blog, we will discuss what DUI classes are, what to expect from them, and where to find them in Fresno.

What are DUI classes?

DUI classes are educational programs designed to teach individuals who have been convicted of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol about the dangers of impaired driving and how to avoid future DUI incidents. These classes are usually required as part of a DUI sentence, and failure to attend them can result in additional legal consequences.

What to expect from DUI classes?

DUI classes typically last between 12 and 30 hours and are spread over several weeks or months. The classes cover a range of topics, including the effects of alcohol and drugs on the body, responsible driving habits, and the legal consequences of DUI. Participants are also taught strategies for avoiding future DUI incidents, such as setting realistic goals, avoiding peer pressure, and developing a support network.

The length and content of DUI classes can vary depending on the severity of the DUI offense and the individual's history of DUI. For example, individuals with multiple DUI convictions may be required to attend more classes than first-time offenders.

Where to find DUI classes in Fresno?

There are several providers of DUI classes in Fresno, CA. Some of the most reputable include:

  1. Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health: The Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health offers DUI classes that are certified by the State of California. Classes are offered at various times and locations throughout the county.
  2. Alcohol and Drug Services of Central California: Alcohol and Drug Services of Central California offers a variety of DUI education and treatment programs, including first-offender and multiple-offender classes.
  3. Central California DUI Program: The Central California DUI Program is a state-certified provider of DUI classes in Fresno. They offer a range of classes for first-time and multiple-offender DUI cases.


Attending DUI classes is an important part of a DUI sentence in Fresno, CA. These classes provide individuals with the education and tools they need to avoid future DUI incidents and keep themselves and others safe on the road. If you have been charged with a DUI in Fresno, it is essential to attend these classes as part of your sentence. Contact one of the reputable providers of DUI classes in Fresno to learn more about what to expect and how to enroll.

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